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PDA News

The PDA publishes both technical News items and shorter Blog items. PDA News provides the latest up to date information on macronutrients and their use, while blog items are shorter and timelier.

If you are in the UK or Ireland and are interested in receiving PDA News items through the post or by email free of charge, then sign up on the contact page. Recipients can receive CPD points for BASIS and NRoSO.

P & K calculator revised for 2017

June 2017

With the arrival of the new AHDB Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) and its revised values for P & K offtakes, and the inclusion of more crops, we have updated our P & K Calculator accordingly. The P & K Calculator is a free tool for farmers and crop nutrition advisors in England, Wales and N […]

Nutrient Management Guide (RB209)

May 2017

AHDB have just launched a full revision of the 2010 Fertiliser Manual (RB209), which is now called the “Nutrient Management Guide (RB209)”. It can be viewed or downloaded to your computer from the AHDB website, or to your mobile device as an App. Hard copies can be requested by e-mail from AHDB. It is supplied free of […]

Second cut silage: potash and sulphur

May 2017

When cutting grass for 1st cut silage, with a view to getting a 2nd cut, there is an urgent need to get the fertiliser on for the regrowth right away, while the soil is still damp, to feed that growth. Some say that silaging the field is not complete until the fertiliser is on for […]

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