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PDA News

The PDA publishes both technical News items and shorter Blog items. PDA News provides the latest up to date information on macronutrients and their use, while blog items are shorter and timelier.

If you are in the UK or Ireland and are interested in receiving PDA News items through the post or by email free of charge, then sign up on the contact page. Recipients can receive CPD points for BASIS and NRoSO.

Are you getting your sulphur strategy correct?

Sulphur is an essential nutrient for all plants and animals, but as its behaviour in the soil is very similar to that of nitrogen, high rainfall can lead to leaching. This could lead to sulphur deficiencies despite attempts to avoid this. Sulphur is known to be important for yield and quality, however there is strengthening […]

March 2025

Spring Potash Applications

For those who got caught out in the autumn, or who have chosen to hold back on phosphate and potash applications due to weather, crop prospects, price or a combination of any of these, it is not too late to benefit from their application this spring. Granted conditions may still need to improve somewhat to […]

February 2025

Implications of crop offtakes

Introduction According to Defra figures the national balance  for phosphate in England has been declining over the last few decades and is now only about 5% of the 230 kt surplus from 1990. Whilst a net balance between nutrient inputs and outputs may be seen as ideal, this now marginal surplus is an average for […]

January 2025

Sulphur levels on the low side following extreme wet conditions

As is well understood, some nutrients have higher mobility levels within soils than others, meaning they are at a greater risk of leaching out of soils (or at least down the soil profile where shallow, restricted or young roots are unable to access them). Sulphur is one of the higher profile culprits, alongside nitrogen. Last […]

November 2024

Effective Soil Analysis

In article, we focus on some of the issues surrounding effective soil analysis, against the backdrop of the prolonged wet conditions experienced by many this year. This has led to soils being in their poorest state many have ever known, particularly heavier, higher clay content soils. Careful management will be required to ensure that the problems encountered this year do not carry over into the next. Soil structure is an important consideration when interpreting soil analysis.

September 2024

Nutrient Considerations for SFI Rotational Options

There has been a lot of focus recently on environmental schemes, partly as a response to the now rapidly decreasing Basic Payment (Delinked Payments) and partly in response to the rapidly increasing challenges thrown out by the weather; with some areas of the UK facing their third challenging autumn in five years. Some of the […]

June 2024

Global Food Security Threatened by Potassium Neglect

Inadequate potassium management jeopardises food security and freshwater ecosystem health. Potassium, alongside nitrogen and phosphorus, is a vital nutrient for plant growth and will be fundamental to achieving the rapid rises in crop yield necessary to sustain a growing world population.

April 2024

Importance of Potash for Potatoes

Potash (potassium, K) has a major effect on yield and quality of potatoes as well as the general health and vigour of the crop.

March 2024

Root Implications in Wet Soils

Although there appears to be something of a north south divide this year, most places in the UK have experienced higher than average rainfall, meaning that crops may not be looking as good as planned.

February 2024

Magnesium and Sodium for Grass

Potash use has historically been linked to fears that so-called “luxury” uptake may cause staggers (Hypomagnesaemia) and other mineral disorders in livestock. Although metabolic problems can be costly, so too is sub-optimum use of potash. We review the facts.

December 2023

Establishment and Waterlogging

Establishment is the most critical period in any annual crops life-cycle, as it is the time when the yield potential is set. All challenges the crop faces during the season serves to reduce the final yield from this potential

November 2023

Potash Nutrition of Cereals

The latest PDA news highlights the benefits of potash for cereal crops. Cereal crops need at least as much, if not more, potash than any other nutrient. Potash controls cell sap content to maintain the turgor of the plant and supports the movement of all materials within the plant. Potash supply is thus essential for all nutrient uptake by the roots and movement to the leaves for photosynthesis, and for the distribution of sugars and proteins required for plant growth and grain fill.

September 2023

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